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what is and what isnt possible

Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:22 pm


im not saying i want this but all i know is that i love csgo for its movement and the way the gunplay is.

i love the idea of being accurate while standing still and being inaccurate while moving.

in bf3 though the maps are huge so there would probably need to be a sprint anyway.

what i hope to see this bf3 mod become:
bf4 graphics
126 tick servers (128 is good but having 126 is better actually just look up ESEA for csgo, its like locking your framerate to 59hz instead of 60)

no medic revive trains
bfbc2 style sniping

and personally i would luv no ADS and have it feel like counter strike and play like csgo but look like BF4

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Re: what is and what isnt possible

Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:42 pm

So you want CS with BF graphics?

While VU itself will not change the core gameplay in any way mods will have pretty much endless potential. So you could probably do that (well, minus BF4 graphics).

Also there is no reason why 126 would be better than 128. And using ESEA as a benchmark for anything is retarded (also ESEA is running 128 tick, like everybody else).
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Re: what is and what isnt possible

Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:23 pm

it might not be esea but a certain client is running 126 tick and aparently its better.

so with the venice unleashed mod you could tweak the medic class and all the other classes to make it balanced?

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