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War is coming, you must choose your side

Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:32 am

Star Wars Episode XD Geek's Day Special

The Galaxy is in peril. Evil Darth Mickey and his apprentice Darth Goofy conquered the Star Wars galaxy. They have built an evil alternative universe time machine of dark side thingy to change the fate of the galaxy forever.

With loss of their favourite characters true Star Wars fans formed the "Legends" to stand their ground against dark forces of Disney. Some of the group has left the Legends, seeking more power. They fell to dark side and formed "Canon".

While trying to heal from the wounds of a secret weapon named "Rebels", our heroes are now confronting a greater threat named "The Force Awakens".

(Star Destroyer flies over Disney Island)

Now is the time for every force user to choose a side!
Who are you standing with?


Edit: Don't take this serious, it is a troll post. Real thing is here.

I have overcome my biggest obsession and took one more step to the enlightenment. From now i don't care about Star Wars, it is not the meaning of life for me anymore. From now it is just a way of passing time. Finally i can write unbiased things about Star Wars. I can see the bigger part of it now. Why just stick to old EU when you can just enjoy many more stuff then throw them away when you end with them? I hope one day i will overcome my obsession with video games too.
Facepalm is the greatest answer.

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