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Time Variants!

Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:50 pm

Can anyone help me how to create night variants in bfbc2 maps.

Thanks in advance.

Joined:Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:49 pm

Re: Time Variants!

Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:08 pm

You have few variants to do it: a). You can took weather system/state ( it is response for it ) from exist levels where you have night (find yourself in what level you like night more ), and variant b). Build your own weather state by trial and errors.
For example:
States of weather store in:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield Bad Company 2\Package\levels\mp_tankbattle_002\level-00 FbRB\Weather\R_MP005\States
but also you need to find what weather state is used by your level already
in main level dbx it is looks like:

<instance guid="9F933A68-AF2B-4A53-ADBF-AE6C1549EE2B" type="GameSharedResources.WeatherStateEntityData">
<array name="Components" />
<field name="Enumeration">0</field>
<field name="Name">Weather_Test</field>
<complex name="Transform">1.0/0/0/*nonzero*/0/1.0/0/*nonzero*/0/0/1.0/*nonzero*/255.669250488/79.6305999756/255.008361816/*nonzero</complex>
<field name="Enabled">true</field>
<field name="DefaultState">0</field>
<field name="State">3</field>
<field name="FadeTime">0</field>
<field name="TriggerEventFromClient">false</field>
<field name="StartTransitionOnSpawn">true</field>

<field name="State">3</field> is used by level - So you can edit this one or set there other one and edit it in \Weather\R_MP005\States

any way you need to find what name of state what number is have ( you can find it in list of all states in WeatherSystem_MP005.dbx file)

There are few files what you need to edit ( it is example only) + Client side only:


So if you want to try easy way you can copy from any other weather state file data like here i show (it is fog file "Day_1_Fog.dbx" do same for all files from state) :

<field name="MemoryReportGroup">MemoryReportGroup_default</field>
<field name="Start">100.0</field>
<field name="End">200.0</field>
<field name="Clamp">1.0</field>
<complex name="Color">0.192000001669/0.349000006914/0.458999991417/*nonzero*</complex>
<complex name="ColorSun">0.293999999762/0.321999996901/0.275999993086/*nonzero*</complex>
<field name="ColorSunPower">4.0</field>
<field name="Density">1.0</field>
<field name="HeightFalloff">1.0</field>
<field name="HeightOffset">0</field>
<field name="Eccentrity">0</field>
<field name="LinearFogMultiplier">2.55599999428</field>
<field name="ExponentialFogExponent">5.01300001144</field>
<field name="FogBlendModifier">-0.00800000037998</field>
<complex name="LinearPoint1">0.0146390711889/0.0149105368182</complex>
<complex name="LinearPoint2">0.577358484268/0.238734424114</complex>
<complex name="LinearPoint3">0.845283031464/0.481303930283</complex>

and past in your state file - the point is you copy all data but still use old header of state file - it is can be done to each file of state: just copy file by file step by step and leave old data in head:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<partition guid="8E157FBD-8508-480B-9A9F-71E08B673458" primaryInstance="75308D8F-3CB6-4B33-9CA2-BFEE5312ED1A" exportMode="All">
<instance guid="75308D8F-3CB6-4B33-9CA2-BFEE5312ED1A" type="Weather.DynamicFogData" id="Day_1_Fog">
<field name="Name">Weather/R_MP005/States/Day_1/Day_1_Fog</field>

This mod will work with not modded server side so you can try many times to find what you like more.
Just dont forget Headers is must be same as before + do not mix fog with postprocess etc. - fog to fog, post process to post process. After you open this files and walk around them you will found how simple it can be configured.
Sorry for bad English, i hope i help someone with it

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Joined:Wed May 27, 2015 3:06 pm
Contact: Skype

Re: Time Variants!

Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:29 am

Thanks a lot bro!

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