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Current Server Status of Venice Unleashed (Cannot Create Soldier)

Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:18 pm

Hello there gamers.

We recently have received far too many messages on the forums and on the Discord server regarding the server status of Venice Unleashed. We had established and posted an announcement on Discord several days ago explaining that the backend would be offline and would be for an unknown amount of time however people are NOT reading the announcement and continue to ask the same question.

We would sincerely appreciate it if you'd refrain from doing so as it doesn't help things. Be patient and the client will be back online as soon as NoFaTe and kiwidog are able to do what they need to.

UPDATE 1 (Jan 3, 2017):
The servers were brought back up a few days ago and launching the game and logging in is now possible! However there are a few limitations as of now. If you do not already have your Origin account linked to your Venice Unleashed account, you will NOT be able to create new soldiers until the new Origin account linking service is complete as the current one is deprecated. Unfortunately, this means that you will have to wait for the next update. And again, for those of you who already have your Origin account linked, you will be able to play the game and create soldiers as this does NOT effect you.

UPDATE 2 (Dec 3, 2017):
The above statement still holds, you will NOT be able to create any new soldiers unless you linked your Origin account during the initial testing. You will NOT be able to link your Origin account until the new linking service is complete. Please wait patiently for the big update (coming very soon™).


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