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Physically Based Rendering in BF3?

Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:32 am


First off, this is just an idea IF there is time for it. There are a lot of things that need to be done before things should be changed visual. Anyhow:

Battlefield 3 still uses the "old" method of rendering lighting/reflections in screen space, basicly they were between the transition of old to PBR.
It will be a time-consuming thing, but is it possible to switch to PBR or change lighting properties to something more realistic.
If I am correct, the Color and Bumpmap will be exactly the same, only Specular will need to have some minor tweaks (Colorbalance wise).
Reflection probes are already in-game considering the tone/atmoshpere in different areas of maps i believe.(CoD have had them since 2008).
These days there are a lot of references to PBR methods (UE 4 for example), so there might be a way.


Tweaking the shaders so that they look better. The shaders currently look "flat". In theory, every object has reflections (basicly a value between =>1f and <0f). In Battlefield 3, this is not the case. So maybe it's interesting to look at that.

Sidenote: What's your opinion? Do you like the look/feel of BF3 or do you think improvements can be made?

Thanks for your time.

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Re: Physically Based Rendering in BF3?

Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:09 pm

Are you thinking about some remplacing envmap system by some kind of GPU-Based Ray tracer ?

I think you should ask Boris Vorontsov about that, (The ENB guy).
He did remplace the envmap system in Skyrim (Well, the Bumpmap system) by a real reflection system.
Ding dong bannu

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