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Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:54 pm

Hello VU forum! I guess most of you already know that the AN-94 got easier to use because of the higher refresh rate (tickrate). Basically it got easier to click since your clicks get registered more accurate. However this kinda results in a very good gun and in my opinion it's a tiny bit too good at the moment. I mean If you can use it at it's full potential it's has by far the highest DPS of 500 (damage per second) in the game. So my recommendation to balance this out would be to lower the max damage to 20. The would result in a DPS of 400. Still 25 units better than the AEK's (375). Here a little comparsion: http://prntscr.com/9vy9py So it gives you a slight advantage but you still have the high skill-level that is required to get this advantage. And this leads me to my second requirement: Dont reduce the rate of fire since this would make it easier to use. And you dont want that the best gun in the game gets easier to use ;) I'm myself using this gun 24/7 and I know what I'm talking about. For someone else who is not that familiar to the AN-94 this idea could look pointless because this person wouln't achieve the 500 DPS anyway. Since there are many guys using it in competitive like me I think this patch is suitable. And please don't touch spread, recoil or the rate of fire. You would destroy this gun as we know and love it.

Regards, your AN-94-Only player.

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:21 pm

I also play almost exclusively with the AN94, but with Venice Unleashed we are not changing any aspects of the base game. This is something you can create as a mod when the tools release.
kiwidog > NoFaTe.

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:24 pm

Okay, that's fine and a nice possibility for us to adapt the game to competitive requirements :)

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:25 pm

As someone that wants to get into weapon modding and custom weapons here for the game, the AN-94 is definitely on my watchlist. Now, ARs in generally i'm a little worried about (strongest weapons with the strongest gadgets...), but the AN has my attention for sure. Now, unless the AN has gotten VERY good at close range, the maximum damage i'm not that worried about (Unless you feel like it has, i'm definitely interested in everyone's opinions on how they feel balance is). The AN-94 is meant to be a long range AR, and unless its showing that its just flat out better than everything else in that regard (things like the G3A3, maybe its out doing snipers even), i wouldn't be that inclined to change it all that much. Unless its proving to be ridiculous everywhere, since burst fires are a little harder to balance due to their rpm not being consistent, I wouldn't make a drastic change to it.

Of course, i still need feedback on it. Since you use it alot, i'd like to hear where you feel like the weapon is dominating people at. Is it's damage, accuracy, and firing rate just too hard for other guns to deal with at close range? Or does the thing turn into an sniper rifle?

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:31 pm

It's about the player who is using it. As I said it's thought for competitive purposes since most of the AN players there know how to play it at it's full potential. And trust me, with lower DPS this gun is balanced perfectly compared to the other competitive guns. In my opinon every other change would hurt the playstyle that has to and is required using it. And the burstfire is not only a bit hard when you play against a good M16/416 or AEK player. The next thing is it shouldn't be limited to one purpose in the game. Compare it to the M16/416 and the AEK - Allrounder guns like the AN is atm. No one would use a cqc or long range only gun in a 5v5 for example since they are not versitile. In my opinion every gun should have about the same DPS. Just give them different styles to play and a own character to use. Good example is the G3 - Very different to the others but still good as an allrounder and usable. You don't want AK74's and Famas' only...
Last edited by AnastasiyaAngel on Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:38 pm

doing some numbers on it, that actually could work very well. It only lowers the bullets needed to kill from 4 to 5, but for a two burst shot, that's actually quite a big increase.

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:07 pm

Question: Are the KH2002 and the M16A4 buffed aswell due to the improved tickrate of the servers? If so, those weapons certainly needed that.

Overall opinion: I would like to see a more consistent and balanced lower dps on all weapons. That way better players are rewarded and there is time to react, rather than being instant dead by e.g. the AN94. Overall this would also buff snipers in close quarter combat, because they would have a tiny bit more time to shoot a second time if the first bullet has not dealt enough damage to kill the target.

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:10 pm

Not really since the AN-94's required clicks per second are way higher. And only gun where the DPS should be changed for competitive usage ist the AN. Tbh, I don't really care about the other guns. I think my question got answered, I'm out x)

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:35 am

Doesn't the increased tick rate improve all the weapons in the game? If so, then all the weapons will be a bit better, and not just the AN94.

In my opinion, there are far more balancing problems with other assault rifles than the AN94. The AEK and M16A3 come to mind. They are most likely the most unbalanced guns in the game and really need a nerf. As for some of the other less-used ARs, they need to be buffed so that they can actually compete with the better ARs. Like the SCAR-L, KH2002 and L85. I hate how everyone only uses the M16A3 and the AEK, and by nerfing them it will make the less powerful ARs less obsolete, and will therefore make the game more diverse in terms of what the players use.

Another weapon that seriously requires a buff is the PP19. I mean really, what was DICE thinking when they made that gun's stats so weak!

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Re: Weapon Change: AN-94 Abakan

Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:48 pm

AnastasiyaAngel wrote:[...]In my opinion every gun should have about the same DPS. Just give them different styles to play and a own character to use. Good example is the G3 - Very different to the others but still good as an allrounder and usable. [...]
Don't nerf working weapons to adapt them to bad ones. Equalize the DPS and make every gun different to play. The M16, AN and the AEK should be the starting point since they're used by competitive players. Anything else won't make sense in my opinion.

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