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Joined:Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:39 pm
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This is why BF2 is playing still to date - because of the mods.

Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:44 pm

This project doesn't hurt EA in fact this is a big commercial for them. It's a publicity that helps selling their gameS. If something other doesn't happening to break their interests I think they will allow the "mod". This is why BF2 is playing still to date - because of the mods.

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Re: This is why BF2 is playing still to date - because of the mods.

Fri Jan 01, 2016 12:17 pm

Interesting way of thinking but EA is a big company and has many franchises under its name. Namely, if BF3 were to come back thanks to this mod, people might hesitate buying the next Battlefield which is scheduled for 2016. That's why it doesn't really boost their sales that much, especially given the fact that BF3 has undergone many sales, for <$10 as well. It's not really a big financial improvement for them if someone were to buy BF3 because it had mods over BF5 for $60 and another $50 for Premium.

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