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I would like clarification...

Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:37 pm

Simply, I would like clarification about the restrictions enforced upon the 'new' user.

First of all, what would be considered as 'bad wording' when it comes to making a post.

Would simply copying the reason as to why you cannot include such content within the post count as bad wording, or is it just simply some of the words included within the wording of the reason that initiates itself to moderate such content again?

Or if bad wording does not comply with either of them, what is bad wording?

Also, how many posts or whatever would I require to no longer fall under the limit? I would simply like clarification.

One last thing before I conclude this post: Do posts in the 'Random Discussion' area not count towards the total post counter, or is it another section that prohibits my post counter from rising in relation to posts made in that section?

EDIT: Also, restrictions are the URL restrictions and the 'bad words' restriction.

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Re: I would like clarification...

Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:36 am

death_stalker_ak47 wrote:http://forums.emulatornexus.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15

Looking into that topic, it does not give me any information about the restrictions enforced upon users - just simply the forum rules, which I am following.

Currently it does not match my criteria of a response, which is:-
List of such 'badwords'/bad English (I am speaking English perfectly in all my posts, do note).
Explanation of when these restrictions will expire.

All of the restrictions I am talking about are above, in the topic starter, but I'll re-explain here:

The badwords/bad English restrictions (I am speaking perfect English, no abbreviations in all of the posts I have tried to post, but which fall under this restriction - and when it expires)

The URL Restriction (mainly, when it expires)

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Re: I would like clarification...

Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:30 pm

Unless NoFaTe altered the default settings, those limitations should expire after 1 day after registration, provided that you have already made a post on the forums.

As for the list of bad words, it's mostly stuff that you would normally expect from spambots.

Sorry, those limitations are necessary, since they significantly reduce the amount of spam on the forums.

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Joined:Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:27 pm

Re: I would like clarification...

Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:11 am

CactusPie wrote:Unless NoFaTe altered the default settings, those limitations should expire after 1 day after registration, provided that you have already made a post on the forums.

As for the list of bad words, it's mostly stuff that you would normally expect from spambots.

Sorry, those limitations are necessary, since they significantly reduce the amount of spam on the forums.

I completely understand why they are necessary - I've seen the spambots appear like wildfire in various places.

I was just simply wondering but thank you for the clarification I wanted. :)

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