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Joined:Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:47 pm
not fair ban

Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:02 pm

Hello, before I want to warn you that I play your project and cheats never used.
On B3FUNSERVER send in a ban those who plays well, especially those who play better administration.
Administrators with whom I dealt are not competent, they don't adequately prove that this or that player cheater. In my case, I get banned on the basis of the administration doubts that I'm an honest player, and one of the administrators went on accusing me cheating which was not the case.
B3FUNSERVER quite popular and on this basis, the administration of this server is indifferent to the players.
Just know that because of these servers, you lose your players. The reason for this may be a personal insult (even accused of cheating) or the lack of opportunity to play on your favorite maps for example: valparaiso 24/7 B3 this segment popular and on this server people always play that it's hard to say about the analogues of this server, and most people do not want to wait until noobteam valparaiso will be people.
For this reason, my online very heavily fall, maybe I'm the only one and I should not have created this post, but it is actually not known how many of these people.
I will not wait that you will understand my situation, I just expressed my opinion, I played on your three years and never used cheats.
Here's examples of my game.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbePe ... U3A/videos
sorry for my English if something is not clear, I used the translator)
good luck

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